#Lost: Lines in the Sand

Season 6 of Lost is shaping up to be an all out feud between two opposing forces, but ‘good vs evil‘ may be misleading.

Turn, turn, turn

First and foremost, we have the cyclical nature of the events on the Island. Important to note that it is not a perfect circle, but a Moebuis Strip, a loop that turns in on itself, the cycle continues but with slight changes each time. Each of these changes, even seemingly insignificant, is enough to establish a Butterfly Effect and have widespread repercussions and sweeping changes. While even the most grandiose heroic gesture can be futile and useless in avoiding the unavoidable.

“It only ends once. Anything that happens before that is progress” — Jacob


Each turn of the wheel, each iteration of the timeline we have seen, has progressed each part and allowed certain events to be fulfilled… Benjamin Linus moulded by the new course of events laid out in the timejumps to be the Jacobkiller, Jack Shepherd changed from man of science to man of faith, NotLocke machinations to make John Locke significant and then sacrificial, even Jacob’s own plan of his death all lead towards the endgame, “They are coming”.

The Island’s circle of fate, can also be viewed as a microcosm for the cyclical nature of mankind, as I believe is alluded to by Jacob’s adversary on the beach. That each time the wheel completes a revolution, mankind proves that it is destined to repeat it’s own history of malice, destruction and corruption. If these two gentlemen were around as long as we think, than they would have seen the rise and fall of the Egyptian pharaohs, the Greek’s enlightenment and perversion, and even the Dharma Initiative‘s quest for knowledge turn into an all out war with the Hostiles. To quote another show that dealt with these concepts brilliantly, “This has happened before, and will again.”

The Adversaries

Man #1 aka Jacob


Casting Call: [JASON]
“Jason. Any ethnicity, late 30s-60s. Former soldier. A leader of men. Smart but more than that – he is wise. Strong and straightforward. The words he says are always listened to and they carry gravitas. GUEST STAR two episodes. May lead to recurrings. Looking for someone very interesting and very special for this role…

What we thought we knew about Jacob, is assumedly false. Most of what Ben Linus said (as with most things from Emerson’s wonderful line delivery) is either flat out wrong, or contrived with the intent to manipulate. Richard is Jacob’s 1st Mate, but he has never divulged much specific information except for rules and regulations. Jacob hasn’t used the cabin we thought was his home in a “very long time” (assumedly 30years, since 1977). The relationship between Jacob and Christian Shepherd and Claire, is more accurately the bind between Jacob’s Enemy and Jack’s family.

So what do we know?

Jacob “Lies in the shadow of the statue” as he just so happens to live in a giant stone foot. The answer to the enigmatic question posed by agents of Jacob Ilana & Bram, is translated from latin as “he who will save us”. Though that’s not to say Jacob is expressly ‘good’ despite his white shirt and endearing demeanor. More accurately, Jacob represents Choice, Free Will, and the “human variable”.

Through the flashbacks in “The Incident”, we see Jacob profoundly affect each of our Lostys at pivotal points in their lives, though outward appearances may be deceiving. It is not clear whether these events happened before or after the gamechanging events of the Finale, and it can be argued whether Jacob imposed Island-related events, or changed them. Had he not given a pen to Sawyer, perhaps Uncle Doug wouldn’t have seen young James’ letter and offer sage advice. Did he save Sayid or condemn Nadia? By offering Jack “a little push” did he mould the relationship between Jack and his estranged father, or instill Jack’s own sense of self? Was Hurley reassured of his sanity, or manipulated into a grander scheme (as he tends to do)?

What Jacob offered each of our Lostys, was choice. Except Juliet who was conspicuously *not* visited by Jacob. Her choice would come later, in the bottom of a shaft next to a nuclear fission warhead. Each of the Lostys affected by Jacob was given a choice to their overall fate, at the precise moment that was the fork in the road of their destined path. Jacob does have a plan, but with guided improv and it is certainly not ineffable.

Man 2 aka The Enemy, NotLocke, Un-Locke


Casting Call: [Samuel]
“Samuel. Any ethnicity, 40s-60s. A corporate raider looking to take over his next company. Powerful, devious and obtuse. He has a cunning intellect and a strong sense of danger. May lead to recurring. Looking for someone very interesting and very special for this role…

In typical Lost fashion, any answers we think we derive about Jacob, are met with more questions about a brand new character, one that ‘appears’ we’ve never met before. Jacob’s Adversary, the enigmatic Man #2. These two have been around forever, and are equal and opposite adversaries and conform to their own system of rules. Warriors in perfect balance for eternity is bound to lead to some animosity, “Do you have any idea how much I want to kill you?” He promised he would one day find a “loophole” allowing him to do so. This is not a statement based on hatred or anger, but one of purpose. Man #2 is representative of Order, of Fate, of Destiny. Those things that cannot change, and only the “human variable” can throw a monkeywrench in the works, and man guided by Jacob would be even more frustrating in the big picture.

John Locke was never all that important, until NotLocke set in motion a self-fulfilling prophecy to make Locke the Leader of the Others. NotLocke was using the cabin to influence the true Locke to his plan, and to cultivate Ben into an agent of deicide the JacobKiller. It was NotLocke who was pulling the strings and taking the form of corpses brought to the Island like Christian Shepherd and Locke. That is not to say that all appearances of Christian were Man #2, as I still think Jacob’s presence was subtle and responsible for visions on the Island.

The loophole he was referring to, was something that would tip the scales, something to unbalance equally opposing forces. That wildcard took the form of Benjamin Linus. In an allegory similar to the biblical Job, Ben is presented with another choice by Jacob. Ben chooses, NotLocke seems to succeed with his plan, but in actuality… in giving Ben the final choice, it is Jacob’s victory and seemingly fits into his overall scheme, which included his own demise. With Jacob’s dying words, we are shown the folly of Man #2′s plan, with the ominous line “They are coming”.

Note: Smokey is a separate entity, related to, involved with, and a part of both Jacob & NotLocke. Smokey is the balancing force. Analogous to the Egyptian Ammit, see my post on Egyptian Mythology in Lost.

Who are “They”? And what became/will become of Jacob? Only Crackpot Theories dare to try and answer those questions (written pre-season 5 finale)

Season 6 of Lost is shaping up to be a classic battle between two equally opposing forces, and their chosen followers. Good vs Evil may not accurately sum up the conflict, and may seem to trite. Lost has always been about redemption, about Free Will vs Destiny, Choice vs Fate, and ultimately the battle between the Gifted and the Damned.

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