
4 May 2007

Spider-Man 3

Spider-Man 3The third Spider-Man has arrived, and arguably begins the summer blockbuster season at the theatres. I saw the advance midnight screening, and left the theatre disappointed. Simple enough.

Upon further reflection, I’ve taken a slightly different stance on the flick, and actually am eager to rewatch the movie, probably at the IMAX, with expectations in the right place.

The action was fast and dynamic, and the effects were well-done. The plot lines, while a little cluttered, were streamlined and did have a sense of flow. The argument was made that any more than one villain is too many, but it works, in a sense. I have issues with the extreme snow-boarder goblin, and the ending is down-right awful, which is where I assume the initial disappointment is so obvious.

The Bottom Line: Spider-man 1 and 2 were simply TOO amazing. The bar was raised, and while Spidey 3 is a good movie, and a pretty decent comic flick… it just seemed sub-par. This may be Sam Raimi’s last time helming old web-head, and if so, it’s a strong send-off that we’ll appreciate more when someone else (assumedly Brett Ratner or Renny Harlin) takes over and swings this franchise into the crapper.

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