
18 August 2006


By: Bjag

Although I’ve only seen him in one movie I’m already a huge Tony Jaa fan and I eagerly anticipate his next movie, The Protector.

I was sold upon seeing the poster and then I saw the trailer. This man will go to no end to find a creative way to knee somebody. I don’t think the following description gives anything away, seeing it will still be jaw-dropping. Tony Jaa runs across a rooftop and leaps off the edge of a building to knee a guy in the chest who is hanging by a rope from a hovering helicopter. Awesome.

Really looking forward to this one.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning.

So, it’s a prequel to the remake of the original movie in the Massacre series. Wha?

Why didn’t they just do this the first time? I really disliked the remake by the way. According to the trailer it’s less of an origin story and more of an exactly the same story but it comes first. And also all my unfavourite characters are back for the prequel (excluding R. Lee Ermy. He’s great in anything).

I might even pass on this one unless I go with Bry to bash it.

No, it’s not Rocky VI and it’s not the precursor to Rocky VII: Adrian’s Revenge, it’s simply Rocky Balboa.

It doesn’t come out ’til Christmas but I just saw the trailer.

I’ll be honest, I want this to be good. I can’t disagree that there’s a lot of evidence that shows that Stallone is a no-talent hack at acting, writing and also directing. I still have a soft spot for him though. I haven’t gone so far as to have a Stallone section of my collection but I do own Tango and Cash, Demolition Man and Oscar. So, obviously I like Stallone because he appeals to my love of campy movies. The upcoming Rocky Balboa could definitely fit that bill. If it’s half as good as Rocky IV then I guess that would make it Rocky II and that one wasn’t too bad.

I’ll probably go see it. Likely by myself and definitely not with Bry.


I guess it only makes sense to get drunk and go see this. I’ll be there.


Lord no. Have fun at this one Dubs.

What’s the deal with horse (or zebras that think they’re horses) movies? I don’t care. I already didn’t see the original My Friend Flicka. And I’ve managed to avoid seeing Dreamer, Seabiscuit, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, any of the Black Beauty/Stallion movies and not even Young Black Stallion. However, I did enjoy Hidalgo.

Will not see it despite the draw of Alison Lohman. And don’t forget Tim McGraw. Oh wait, I already did.

Flags of Our Fathers

Clint Eastwood baby. Only directing this time but that’s just as good. It’s a WWII flick written by multiple Oscar winner Paul Haggis (Oh Canada).

It’s not out until October but I’m excited now. I’ve yet to see any trailers and I haven’t researched it at all. I’m sure I’ll love it.

Most interestingly, from my understanding (once again minimal research) this will be followed by another film Letters from Iwo Jima that will be the same movie but from the other side of the battle. Very interesting indeed. Way to revolutionize the industry when you’re 80 Clint. Well done.

I will most definitely be at the theatre for this one and the follow up.

Jet Li’s Fearless. His last martial arts epic? Say it isn’t so.

Going out at the top of your game is a good move and the trailer leads me to believe this will be one of his best. Jet Li will also go down as one the best.

Luckily Tony Jaa seems pretty young and should be around for a while.

I will not miss a chance to see Li’s final martial arts movie on the big screen. Are romantic comedies next?

There is of course much more upcoming but these are the ones on my mind.

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