
6 July 2008

More cuts

I haven’t fully implemented the one in, one out rule yet as I haven’t fully catalogued all my movies.  I keep buying more movies so I’d better get moving on the cutting.

The Hustler

This is one of those classics that everyone should see at least once.  I didn’t really like it that much to be honest but it looks good as part of the collection.  I picked up this special edition version of the DVD a while ago for a reasonable price.  As I’m not really a pool junkie, Paul Newman is the only reason for me to keep this one.  Although, I’d rather cut The Hustler and pick up Cool Hand Luke.


I originally saw Insomnia at the theatre.  I subsequently bought the DVD when it was reduced to a low price.  I’m no longer a Christopher Nolan fan and perhaps never was.  Memento is still one of my favourite movies but since then I haven’t really enjoyed any of Nolan’s films (that includes Batman Begins).  This is my only movie starring Al Pacino.  I’m kind of ashamed of that.  There’s definitely better Pacino roles to own than this one.  I don’t care for Robin Williams in serious roles.  Actually, I don’t really care for him in comedic roles either.  Looks like Insomnia is getting the axe.


This DVD was basically a rental.  I picked it up in a discount bin simply because it was a title I’d never seen or heard of before starring John Cleese.  It’s a pretty funny movie but I don’t think it needs to stay in the collection.  There’s better examples of Cleese’s humour to be found.  I already have a lot of Monty Python but I would like to add the Fawlty Towers series.

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