
3 May 2006


Why did I see it?
Keifer Sutherland, baby. I only get an hour fix of 24 per week and I’ve all but beaten the video game. He’s essentially playing Jack Bauer with a tie, so I figured why not?
Did it deliver?
Unfortunately Keifer Sutherland is in a supporting role in the Sentinel. At least on 24 if Jack isn’t on screen Tony or Aaron or any other quality character is there instead. Unfortunately, during the Sentinel, no Keifer on screen means Michael Douglas. Not the best trade off.
I do enjoy watching movies that showcase military/police tactics. In this case it was the Secret Service. There was some pretty good gun play but nothing that can’t be found on television these days.
Without giving anything away I’ll simply say I didn’t care for the First Lady plot line.
The mystery was pretty lackluster. ” Oh, that guy was behind it. That’s cool.” The audience doesn’t get to be wrapped up in solving the case.
It was nice that Toronto got to play itself in a movie. After a lot of stunt double work the city got to show off its wares. It was brief but still cool.
I always end up booing internally (or externally sometimes) when the title of a movie ends up in the dialogue but for certain titles I take it as an inevitability. It doesn’t happen in this movie. The definition of sentinel is to watch over as a guard. The title does befit the nature of the movie but it never really comes up, not even as a code word or anything.
Fans of 24 might be satisfied watching a watered down Jack Bauer as something needs to fill the gap between Monday nights. Better yet rent In the Line of Fire. It’s a similar yet superior story and it has a very creepy John Malkovich. Plus, Clint Eastwood would kick Michael Douglas’s ass.

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